做自己的英雄! 馬修麥康納奧斯卡得獎感言






There are three things I need each day. One is something to look up to, one is something to look forward to and one is something to chase.


First off I want to thank God, because that's who I look up to. He's graced my life with opportunities that I know are not of my hand or any other human hand. He has shown me that it's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates. In the words of the late (British actor) Charlie Laughton, who said, “When you got God you got a friend and that friend is you.”


To my family, to what I look forward to. To my father, I know he's up there right now with a big pot of gumbo, he's got a lemon meringue pie, he's probably up there in his underwear, he's got a cold can of Miller lite and he's dancing right now. To my dad, you taught me what it means to be a man. To my mother, who's here tonight, you taught me and my two brothers, demanded, that we respect ourselves. What we in turn learned was, we were then better able to respect others. Thank you for that momma.


To my wife Camila and my kids Levi、Vida、Livingston, the courage and significance you give me every day I go out the door is unparalleled. You are the four people in my life I want to make the most proud of me. Thank you.


And to my hero - that's who I chase. When I was 15 years old I had a very important person in my life come to me and say: '”Who's your hero?“ I said I don't know, “I've got to think about that, give me a couple of weeks.” I come back two weeks later, this person comes up and says: “Who's your hero?” I said, “I've thought about it - it's me in 10 years!”


So I turned 25, 10 years later, and that same person came to me and said, “So are you a hero? “ I was like, “Not even close. No No No!” He asked why? I said, “Because my hero is me at 35.” So every day, every week and every month and every year of my life my hero is always 10 years away. I'm never going to be my hero. I'm not going to attain that - I know I'm not. That's just fine with me because it gives me somebody to keep on chasing.


So to any of us, whatever those themes are, whatever it is we look up to, whatever it is we look forward to and whatever it is we're chasing, to that I say Amen. To that I say alright, alright, alright. To that I say, "Just keep living."



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